So the hilarious game Bad Company came out. They hired another hottie to promote the game in Japan. When do people in the states start to do they eh?
Labels: game models
ok...PGR4 has been out for a while, and it has finally reached Korea. recently they held the debut of PGR 4 and got some support from some hot models.
Labels: game models
ok, don't ask me what name is this AV. I know a lot of guys know the famous Japanese AVs, and now the PS3 is getting its debut in one of its movies. we go
afraid the playstation people see this? c'mon who doesn't watch you guys on the av movies?
all right, here comes our star .. I have no idea who she is, but thats suppose to be a AV movie. she wants the guy or the ps3? I wonder...
seems the girl wants the guy but the guy loves ps3 more...
there should be more pics...but they are M forget it, just to show how PS3 got its way into Japanese AV movies
Ok..who says girls don't play games??!!
Labels: game gone wild
The Japanese hit game Initial D - extreme stage is about to release on ps3 exclusive.
the officials want to get as much attention as possible, since its a racing game, guys are the main target. They hired a nice sexy japanese model 神子岛みか, she's a hardcore gamer too. here's a couple of pics showing her racing with some people from the major game review websites. She beat two of them, lol
Labels: Game Girl
Ok, after I saw the videos I accidentally... started looking for more info about her. No, no 18+ stuff related. After her interview about how much she loves games, her name has been spread throughout game websites. And now...with the wii fit + hottie combo, she's not just gonna sit there..right? bllah blah... here's her photo shot on wii fit
sweet! here we go
Labels: Game Girl
all right, I dont know who they are, but they are pretty damn hot. They used to be car models, and now they are modeling for different games.
Labels: game models
Ashley loves final fantasy,resident evil,silent hill,GuitarHero,Dance Dance Revolution. And her favorite console is the Nintendos and playstations.
Katy, username: bunnyXablaze (obviously a xbox chick!) Her favorites are Breath of Fire III and Gears of War. She usually spends like 35 hours on games(wow!)
Dara, 19 and she loves Counterstrike1.6,CallofDuty2,Gaunt let Legends,wow,Gears of War,Soul Calibur,THUG,THP8,Marvelvs.Capcom, F.E.A.R....and more!
Raychul, 23 loves wii games and xbox 360 games.. Gears of War,Fatal Frame,silent hill,any thing about Mario,GTA,Bully, God of War1&2,Burn out Revenge,Animal Crossing.
Labels: Game Girl
Gamerhelp released a couple profiles of some sexy girl gamers. Some of they actually play more games than guys!! Amazing! They are not just hot, but they all have multiple likes for games. Which one do you like?
Meagan, 21, loves Halo2, FatalFrameIII, Zelda, God of War, Gears of War, Resident Evil 4, Guitar Hero..and more! She usually spends more than 10 hours every week(wow, more than me!)
Natalie, 18, Loves Quake3&4,TigerWood‘07,NHL‘07,GearsofWar,Mario Kart,PerfectDark,CounterStrike,Doom3,star craft,TonyHawk,GTA,zelda,Fable...etc(another hardcore girl!)
Ashley, 18, Loves Counter-strike and she spends like 30 hours every week! Thats pro!
Labels: Game Girl